Make a Donation
Make a Donation

Support the Twin Rocks mission.

Your gifts make a difference.

THANK YOU for considering a pledge or gift to Twin Rocks Friends Camp & Conference Center.

Make an Impact

Charting the Course Campaign

Over the next 4 years, Twin Rocks plans three key projects aimed at readying Twin Rocks for future generations of campers, projects that chart a course toward two of Twin Rocks’ core purposes: Creating Christian Community and Developing Disciples of Jesus.

1. YOUNG ADULT COMMUNITY HOUSE: A new home constructed for Twin Rocks’ employees and interns provides an affordable place to live, a community of friends, and opportunities to deepen faith. This building is now fully funded and has just been completed. You are invited to join us for a Dedication Ceremony and Open House on Saturday May 11th. Please click here to RSVP.

2. DINING CENTER EXPANSION: An expanded dining room and staff room reduces overcrowding and creates space for privacy for smaller groups with an additional portable wall. More space makes it easier for meaningful conversations and discipleship to happen naturally during mealtimes.

3. WATSECO CREEK VILLAGE PREPARATION: Housing at the Oregon Coast has become increasingly unaffordable for camp staff, necessitating a significant increase in onsite options. The camp is now ready to conduct a project design and feasibility study for the development of 10 acres on the south end of Twin Rock’s property, setting the stage for developing (in 5-10 years) a community of staff homes and relocating the camp’s maintenance facilities outside the core of camp.

Charting the Course Campaign Summary:

Young Adult Community House $540,000
Dining Center Expansion $960,000
Watseco Creek Village Preparation $390,000
Repairs to Existing Structures $150,000
Fundraising Expense $160,000
Total  Budget $2,200,000
Total Raised to Date (March ’24) $643,000
Left to Raise $1,557,000
Cash Gifts

Make a Difference

We wish we could operate for free, year round, year after year. Our budget is often tight , but we are so grateful for generous partners who make up the difference through cash contributions! Designate your gift to our general fund to help cover this years operating expenses, where needed to let our board of directors determine where the money can best be spent, or a department(Maintenance, Recreation, Kitchen, …) if you want your funds to help enhance a particular part of camp. However you give, we are grateful for your patronage and strive to be good stewards of your generosity and trust.

Gifts of cash are the most immediate way to support the work of Twin Rocks and making a cash gift to the camp is easy. You can:

  • Give Online
    You may give online by credit/debit card or Paypal.
  • Make a pledge
    For your convenience, you may schedule your giving commitment over time.
  • Give by mail
    Please make all checks payable to Twin Rocks Friends Camp and send them to:
Twin Rocks Friends Camp
P.O. Box 6
Rockaway Beach, OR 97136
  • Electronic Funds Transfer
    This secure way of monthly giving requires set up through our office. Please provide a completed Electronic Funds Transfer Authorization Form and a voided check. Your EFT can be canceled at any time with three business days notice. Please mail your completed form or check to our
  • Donate via online bill pay
    You can include us in your online banking list of payees. Information required:
Twin Rocks Friends Camp
P.O. Box 6
Rockaway Beach, OR 97136
Planned Giving

A Lasting Legacy

To continue to help our mission beyond your lifetime, please consider planning your estate to leave a gift to Twin Rocks Friends Camp. If you’ve already decided to include Twin Rocks in your estate, we’d love to add you as a member of our Solid Rock Society. For more information or help with other questions about planned giving, please contact our Development Director, Liz Seume.

In Kind Donations

Due to the variety of services Twin Rocks provides we use a lot of stuff. The range of items is significant. Handicap wheelchairs, lawnmowers, vehicles, commercial kitchen supplies, lumber, chairs, vacuums, roofing materials, office supplies, basketballs, ping pong paddles, faucets, mattresses, couches, the list goes on and on. Because this is a camp we are hard on our equipment and often find ourselves using items at or near the end of their useful life. We gladly accept “in kind” donations with significant useful life remaining and we will gladly give you a donation receipt for your gifts.

Note: We may need say no thank you to an offered donation for a variety of reasons: if we are overstocked with a certain item, have no space to store it until we will use it, or simply don’t judge it to have enough useful life left just to name a few. We still say thank you for thinking of us first.