Twin Rocks Friends Camp & Conference Center is owned by the evangelical Friends Churches of western Oregon and southwest Washington.
Our Mission:
To use God’s creation and a Christ-centered environment to promote personal growth and devotion to Jesus Christ.
What We Do:
Twin Rocks Friends Camp & Conference Center offers camps and retreats to individuals of all ages. In addition, Twin Rocks makes its facilities and grounds available for rental to other groups. This includes Christian groups, as well as secular groups with educational and/or family-building emphases. All camps and retreats should operate without opposing Twin Rocks’ basic principles.
Ken Beebe
Executive Director
Paul Lewis
Operations Director
Wendee Lewis
Interim Program Director
Katey Astleford
Jeff Sargent
Facilities Director
Liz Seume
Development Director
Karl Seume
Food Service Director
Mary Kyle
Housekeeping Manager
Ariana Greer
Outdoor Education Director
Assistant Food Service Director
What’s Happening at Twin Rocks
Since the first “conference” in 1918 to now, God has blessed the dreams, faith, vision, and work of hundreds of people. What foresight it must have taken for these pioneers to literally carve out space in overgrown salal and rotting logs to make room for their tents and crude cook stoves on Twin Rocks Friends Camp’s present site. But the rewards of Christian fellowship, spiritual birth and growth, and fun on the Oregon coast far outweighed any sacrifice.
During the years since 1918, each generation has built upon historic foundations. Concerned people were always there to meet a need. The vision has not changed! Today, as always, new niches of ministry, outreach, site, and facility improvements are being carved out as a result of vision and trust in God.
Centennial Event
2018 marked the one-hundredth year since Twin Rocks Friends Camp was established. To commemorate the Centennial, the camp threw a grand celebration on Saturday, July 21, 2018 attended by 850 friends of Twin Rocks. (Visit our Centennial Event page to see photos of this special occasion.)
Museum Slideshow: A Remarkable Century of Camp Ministry
The “Through the Decades” slideshow is a compilation of 250 photos summarizing Twin Rocks Friends Camp’s first century of ministry. These photos were enlarged and displayed in chronological order as a museum during Twin Rocks’ July 21, 2018 Centennial Celebration. This museum, titled “A Remarkable Century of Camp Ministry,” showcases 25 photos from each decade, and was created and presented by Dave & Susan Hampton.